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Deleting A Person
Deleting A Person

Permanently remove a person from you Notebird account

Updated over a week ago

We don't recommend deleting people unless they were created by accident. When a profile is deleted, all updates, tasks and milestones associated with that person are deleted as well. 

If the profile represents a real person who has moved away, passed away or left your organization  for any other reason, you should archive the person instead. 

Are you actually trying to remove one of your team members (users) from your account? If so, click here

Deleting A Person's Profile 

  • Click the person you wish to delete 

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the left hand page 

  • Click Archive. The permanently delete button will now be visible. 

  • Click Permanently delete

  • Read warning on how many updates, tasks and milestones will be deleted. Type in the the person's name to confirm deletion & click Delete person 

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