Families are beautiful and can also be complex. Related people can be family, close friends, care-takers, etc. Related People is anyone that you want to relationally connect with another person. Notebird is unique in our relationships mapping compared to other management platforms. All other management platforms group people by family units (typically Adult/Child relationships with a head of household position).
Notebird handles relationships on a one-to-one basis giving you flexibility to add different types of relationships that better reflect how the family is structured.
You have two ways to add a related person.
Linking an existing Notebird profile to another existing profile.
Typing in a name and relationship of a person who doesn't necessarily need a profile of their own in Notebird.
How to add a related person
Click on the person in which you'd like to add a relate person to
Click Add relationship on the left hand side
Start typing in the name of the person. If they have an exiting Notebird person profile they will show up. If you'd like for them to not have a Notebird profile then simply type their name form field.
Select the relationships (an indicator below their name will let you know that the other person will not be linked)
Click Save Relationship
Editing or Deleting A Related Person
Hover over the 3 dots [···] to the right of the person you'd like to edit or remove.
Click Edit or Delete