ShulCloud Sync FAQs

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about ShulCloud

Updated over a week ago

How does my ShulCloud Data get into and sync with Notebird.

We do not have a direct integration with ShulCloud but we've built a custom Google Chrome Extension that imports the most up-to-date ShulCloud congregant information into Notebird. Users who are admins in both ShulCloud and Notebird have the capability to run the export every 4 hours to keep data synced between platforms. Click here to read more about the Synagogue Exporter Chrome Extension.

Does everyone on my team need to download the Synagogue Exporter in the Google Chrome Extension store?

No, we recommend only the person(s) responsible for keeping contact information up-to-date in ShulCloud be the ones to download the Synagogue Exporter tool. Remember, only admins in both ShulCloud and Notebird have access to this feature to run the sync.

Can I add congregants and make changes to contact information in Notebird? 

All contact information should be added/edited in ShulCloud because contact information edited in Notebird will be overwritten upon the next sync. New congregants created in ShulCloud will be imported into Notebird upon the next sync. ShulCloud is your main people database and our export tool sees that as the 'master list' and overwrites any contact information in Notebird that doesn't match. 

When I make a change to contact information in ShulCloud does it automatically change in Notebird? 

No. Contact information syncs between ShulCloud when the authorized users run the sync tool. Most synagogues run a sync once or twice a week. But feel free to run the sync more frequently than that!

How often can I use the Synagogue Exporter Tool? 

Admins can run the Synagogue Exporter Chrome Extension once every 4 hours. 

How long does it take to import my data? 

The first import might take a few minutes depending on how many people you are importing into Notebird. The sync moving forward typically takes less than 30 seconds. We have made the process pretty quick.

What information gets imported into Notebird from ShulCloud? 

Here are the profile fields exported from ShulCloud and imported into Notebird. 

  • Name (first and last)

  • Phones (mobile, phone 1, phone 2, work phone)

  • Email Address

  • Home Address

  • Birthday

  • Relationship/Marital Status

  • Anniversary

  • Gender

  • Join Date

  • Custom Milestones

  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah

  • Deceased

  • ShulCloud Account Type

  • ShulCloud Person Type

  • Hebrew Name

  • Tribe

  • Hebrew Birthday

  • Eligible for Aliya

  • Father’s Hebrew Name

  • Occupation

  • School

  • Relationships

We try to interpret the relationships between people as specified in ShulCloud. This should work most of the time for the following relationship types, but you may occasionally notice some inconsistencies.

  • Spouse

  • Late spouse

  • Fiancé

  • Partner

  • Parent

  • Child

  • Sibling (edited) 

Is there an additional cost to importing? 

No, there is no additional cost for the Synagogue Exporter Chrome Extension. You don't even need our help to do it! You can manage it yourself. As always, we are here to help. 

Do any updates, milestones or task show up in ShulCloud? 

No, the Synagogue Exporter Chrome Extension is a one-way connection for contact information only. Any updates, tasks or milestones saved within Notebird stay in Notebird. 

What happens if someone passes away in my congregation and I mark them as 'deceased' in ShulCloud? 

Upon the next sync that person will be archived in Notebird and a tag will be added to that person's general profile notes that says "Deceased: yes" 

What happens if I delete a congregant in ShulCloud? 

Upon the next sync that person will be deleted in Notebird if there are no updates, tasks or custom milestones created for that specific person. If there are updates, tasks or custom milestones created for that person then that person will be archived in Notebird. 

If I add a person to Notebird will they show up in ShulCloud?

No, people added on the Notebird side will not be synced into ShulCloud. All new people should be added to ShulCloud and then synced into Notebird using the Synagogue Exporter Chrome Extension. Feel free to add a person to Notebird if you don't ever intend to add them to your ShulCloud database. For example, a community partner and leader of a non-profit that you partner with in your city.

*There is no way to merge two people if you added someone on the Notebird side and then decide to add that same person to ShulCloud at a later time.

Do nicknames appear in Notebird?

If a nickname is specified in ShulCloud, it will be used as the first name within Notebird. The original/given first name is still available in Notebird within the profile notes as "Legal name" and is searchable in the search bar. This is because most use the nickname field as how the congregant is most frequently referred.

How do I download the Synagogue Exporter Chrome Extension?

Click here and follow the steps. This tool only works for users who are admins in both ShulCloud and Notebird.

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