Understanding An Update

Understand each part of an update

Updated over a week ago

On the Activity page you will see updates listed for the previous 30 days. Below is a breakdown of each part of the update. 

Name of Person 

This is the name of the person that the update is about.

Update Notes

These are the notes that make up the update. 

Update Visibility

These are the groups that can view this update. Any of your team members (users) who don't have access to these groups cannot view the update. 

User who created the update

This is the team member (user) that created the update. 

Time when update was first created

The date and time of when the update was created shows next to the name of the person who created it. You'll have running history within a person's profile of all the updates connected to them. 

Update type 

Think of update types as the topic or theme of an update. You can customize update types to fit your organization perfectly. 

Individual users will not see their name listed below the update because they are the only user. The person who created the update only shows for accounts with 2 or more users. 

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