Activity Page Overview

All updates and upcoming milestones in one place. It's like a dashboard for seeing all interactions with your people and important dates.

Updated over a week ago

Your Activity Page is made up of updates & milestones. The left hand side is all the updates made in the last 30 days. The right hand side is all the upcoming milestones for the next 7 days and the previous day. 

View all updates and milestones you have access to by clicking the All People filter. 

Search all updates instantly! Start typing in a word and all updates that match will show up. Most recent updates show at the top. 

Clicking on different group names filters updates and milestones based on the selected group. The screenshot below shows us all the filtered updates and milestones of the people within the Hospital Visits group because Hospital Visits is selected. 

Selecting different update types and milestone types filters information as well. 

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