Enabling Dark Mode

White is too bright? Enable Notebird Dark Mode.

Updated over a week ago

Notebird Dark Mode 

Some want Dark Mode because they make updates at night, or in low-light. Some need it for accessibility purposes: visual impairments, migraines or other visual disorders. Some people want it just because they want it. We love that too!

Dark mode
is a software option that makes the user interface darker. It changes light backgrounds to a dark color and changes text from dark to light. Mix Dark Mode with any of our Notebird Themes

  • Click Your Name in the upper right hand corner

  • Click User profile 

  • Click Theme

  • Select Enable Dark Mode 

Dark Mode changes only affect your account. It does not change any other users theme. Check out the color options below: 

Dark Mode - Notebird - Blue 

Dark Mode - Cardinal - Red 

Dark Mode - Oriole - Orange 

Dark Mode - Parakeet - Green 

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