Churches using Notebird during this season of COVID-19

Use Notebird to track calls and care needs during this time of social distancing and sheltering-in-place.

Updated over a week ago

In these uncertain times we have created a resource & process to help you connect with your members. Churches are calling and checking-in with their members.  As the situation around coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, we are doing everything we can to support churches as you care for their congregations. Time is of the essence, so we intentionally kept this document short and concise so you can get up and running as fast as possible. Our team at Notebird is dedicated to supporting you through this time and into the future as you continue to care for your people. 

What is Notebird? 

Notebird is a pastoral care software helping organizations care for their people. With Notebird you can easily record conversation notes, track people interactions and assign follow up tasks. Notebird helps your entire team stay on the same page. User permissions restrict access to certain information. Our activity feed shows updates from your team in real-time. You no longer have to ask, “have you checked-in with Dan yet?” Your entire team can now be on the same page. 

Changing Pastoral Care Processes 

With gatherings postponed and staff members working remotely, pastoral care is functioning differently. You are bringing in others who might not normally be involved with the day-to-day pastoral care duties to help check-in with members. Notebird can handle that and we have outlined a process for managing contact with your members all the while keeping your team on the same page. 

The following overview is not meant to be a full Notebird training but how to utilize a few features specifically for the current situation. 

1. Create a dedicated COVID-19 Check-In group 

Groups help organize people, updates & tasks. Groups are also used as a permission tool. You can assign team members (users) to specific groups and they will only see updates made visible to those groups. Create a custom group dedicated to checking in with members. 

2. Each user builds their 'Followed People' list

Some churches are assigning staff members, board members and lay leadership to specific members within the congregation. They are responsible for checking on those people over the course of the next several weeks/months. The Follow feature allows staff, board members and lay leadership to see their list of congregants they have been assigned. 

3. Turn on the 'Pulse Indicator' 

The Pulse Indicator is a visual indicator on the last time someone from your church checked in with a congregant. This is customizable so you get to choose how frequently you want to check in with your people. Churches are using the Pulse Indicator during this time of social distancing and COVID-19 to make sure they are checking with people weekly or bi-weekly. 

4. Add Team Members 

Easily add team members who will be assisting in the pastoral care efforts to check in with members. If they should not see all pastoral updates then assign them as a ‘group member’ to the COVID-19 Check-In Group. After this season of COVID-19 passes you can easily remove them from your account. You will not lose any of the updates they made when they had access to Notebird. 

Super Quick Account Setup 

Churches can set up their Notebird account and get team members invited in less than 10 minutes because Notebird is such an easy-to-use software.

Importing Call List // Membership Contact Information 

Have an existing spreadsheet of members with contact information? We can format and upload that for you. Click here to learn more about imports. Please chat us through our website if you want to discuss imports. Click here if you currently use Church Planning Center. 

Free Zoom Training For Your Team 

We've made Notebird easy enough to use that we don't think you will need training but if you do, we are here. During this time we are offering free Zoom trainings for your team. Trainings are 20-25 minutes long. 

We look forward to connecting with you! 

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